

Subject: National Family Caregivers Association
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The National Family Caregivers Association (NFCA). NFCA is the only
national, not-for-profit membership organization striving to meet the needs
of all family caregivers, regardl ess of their relationship to the person
needing care, or the specifics of the medical situations they confront.

_/                                                        _/
_/        Central Supply & Services                       _/
_/        (Internet Training and Research)                _/
_/        PO Box 57247, Jackson Stn.,                     _/
_/        Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8P 4X1              _/
_/        John S. Walker                                  _/
_/  Email [log in to unmask]                          _/
_/                                                        _/
_/        "To Teach is to touch a life forever"           _/
_/         On the Web one touch can reach so far!         _/
_/                                                        _/