

Hi there,=20
First let me say a big THANK YOU to all of the people who participate in =
the Parkies information list.   My mother, aged 70, is the member of the =
family with PD, and I hooked on to the list with some apprehension.   =
But you all have surpassed yourself.
I knew nothing about PD even after my mother gave us the news.  To be =
totally honest I just assumed like most diseases there was either a cure =
or it would eventually go away.   So I was not unduly worried nor did I =
think I should find out more about PD.   However as the years pass and =
she gets progressively worse I thought I should find out.  So this list =
has been totally invaluable for all that type of info.
My only gripe is are there no Brits out there on this list.   All the =
information regarding drugs and doctors refer to the States and Canada.  =
So I would really like some information with regard to the UK.
Keep up the good work