

At 23:45 11/11/96 -0500, Don Summers wrote:

       Jack & David,
        You don't really need the yam cream-----just tie the cables in
        good tight knots, then spray the "virusus" with Arrid Xtra dry as
       they come out of the kinks.  With a Good knot, they'll be almost as
       dizzy as the promoters of the cream and those who fall for the hoax
       and real easy to kill!



        I wish I wasn't so quick to respond. I have already sent
        a check to Barb Mallut to cover the cost of the Yam Cream
        including the shipping!

        I tried your solution stated above. Didn't have Arrid Xtra
        dry but used Right Guard. When the sparks ceased flying,
        I found the virus's lying around on the floor and stomped
        them good. Worked like a charm.

        Thanks for the easy remedy. Now can you tell me how to smooth
        out the cables and wipe away the sparks that occasionally
        emit from the hardware?

        Thanks again.......Jack  :<)