

"I am trying to locate families where there is a parent with young onset
Parkinson's disease and young children (under the age of 10)."

Hi -
   One of my favorite Parkinson's books of all times is called Parkinson's, A
Personal Story of Acceptance by Sandi Gordon.  This is Sandi's personal
account of experiencing Parkinson's.  She had three small children when she
was diagnosed at age 29, and had one baby after diagnosis.  Her book includes
experiences of the whole family.  Her three year old had a such a beautiful
response when she explained to someone, "My momma can't smile with her face
so she smiles with her heart."
   I think this book is a must for everyone, but I think you would especially
enjoy and profit from reading her experiences.  It is published by Branden
Publishing Company of Boston, MA.

Joan (55/7)