

Joe Huskey wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> I am a newcomer.  I have a question.  On this exchange I see lots
> of references to first symptoms but little explanation of what these
> really are. Shaking of hands, fingers,etc.?  NOt sure if a relative
> of mine has PD or not but essential tremor for sure if not pd.
> Would appreciate responses.  Joe Huskey
> Joe Huskey, Ph.D.
> Advising Coordinator
> College of Education
> Southeast Missouri State University
> [log in to unmask]

The "First symptoms" we talk about are unique to each individual.  In my
case the first symptom I can definately point to was cramps in my
toes on the right foot while running and what seemed to be outward
rotation of the right leg at the knee (this was pre-dx).  These got
worse over the next 3 yrs despite physical therapy, stretching, splints,
etc that I received from the doctors I saw (in the military you very
seldom see the same MD twice and each one had there own idea of what was
wrong).  At about 3.5 yrs my right foot started to tremor once in awhile
 when I was sitting. I started to notice my handwriting was getting
worse, it took a very long time to be able to fill up a page, while
trying to write letters, and after finishing a letter I would be
exhausted also.  At 4 yrs my foot was tremoring most of the time if I
did not mentally stop it and a tremor started in my right hand, this was
most noticable when I tried to eat not much made it from the plate to my
mouth unless I stabbed it with a fork.  (I had stopped going to the
doctors at the 3 yr point because I was tired of wasting the time).  The
4 year point was when my wife noticed the tremor in my hand and started
in on me to go back to the doctor again, I finally did see another MD
and my life has not been quite the same since <grin>.
Meds do well to control the symptoms except when under stress or heavy
physical exercise.  meds: sinemet CR 50/200 3x aday, 10/100 morning and
before working out, and selegiline 5 mg 2x aday.  Hope this helps you

Pat Reilly
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