

The story of Dorothy, who got deathly ill from one Sinemet CR, doesn't seem
so far off my Mom's current experiences.  After 2 1/2 weeks on regular
Sinemet she is MUCH worse, and I'm not sure which way to turn.

Since the first weekend, when she took 4 25/100 pills at meals and bedtime
and OD'ed on the stuff, we have followed Judith Richard's advice and started
her on 1/2 pill at each meal the first week, a full pill and two half pills
the second, with the plan to have her do 2 full and 1 1/2 doses on a full
stomach tomorrow.  While her nausea has abated somewhat, she has a headache
that is resistent to aspirin and other painkillers, and is keeping her from
reading (the last joy in her life), seems to have a lot of pain in her arms
and shoulders, is very depressed, seems more rigid than loose, and is
drawing up on her left side.

Concerning another thread, whereas last fall and winter she was always hot
and never wanted much cover, now she is always cold and starts hurting if
her shoulder gets uncovered.

Last night she did something I have long been dreading, and asked for the
bedpan rather than "be shook" going to the potty chair.  We got along okay,
but it marks a boundary between a sick person and a really badfast one.  She
did walk for the paid caregiver and nurse.

Questions:  Once the sinemet level increases will mom start to do better?
Is this normal?  Should I get her some zoloft or another anti-depressant?
Does it sound like mom isn't going to be able to tolerate the PD medicine?
Today the nurse said she was planning to call her doctor but I haven't heard
from either, nor from her CT scan and EEG last week (I guess they weren't
too bad or the neuro's office would have called me?)?

Thanks for all your help.

Cindy Birk Conley
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>From Southeastern Illinois to your modem!!