

Barb Hodson asked for comments about use of agonist and Amantadine.

After about 2 years of taking Amantadine (Symmetrel) and Eldepryl (Selegeline),
Parlodel was added.  I began taking Parlodel at 2x2.5 mg per day along with
Amantadine (300 mg per day) and Eldepryl (10 mg per day). My age was 44.

The Parlodel brought moderate improvement in  my Parkinson's symptoms,
which for
me is primarily bradykinesia.  Tremor has not been a problem for me since I
started taking Amantadine.  One problem that I found with Parlodel is that it
required regular adjustment upward to remain effective.  Over about a year, I
went from 2x2.5 to 6x2.5.  The other medications remained constant.  My
family physician also believes that the Parlodel affects my blood
circulation (causing my hands to be cold and stiff).  Recently I have
experienced major increases in my symptoms.  Yesterday my neurologist
reduced the Parlodel to 4x2.5mg and  started me on Sinemet this morning.
The Amantadine remains 300 mg per day. With Sinemet, I'm looking forward to
being "half way normal" again!

Charley Countryman
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