

A couple of weeks ago I posted a question to the group seeking any experiences with a Dr. Stern at Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA).  The replies I received praised both Dr. Stern and the program at Graduate.

Armed with those reassurances, I was probably the calmest in our troupe who went to Graduate this morning.  Dad (69/6+), Mom (day-to-day caregiver), my sister (who lives in southern New Jersey, 3 hours from Mom & Dad) and I (also 3 hours from Mom & Dad, but in central New Jersey) trouped into the small examining room for an amazing 45 minutes of Dr. Stern's undivided attention.  (Well, ok, there was the 5 minute phone call that Dr. Stern took, but I'll forgive him that.)

After some basic questions (Could you describe what's been going on?  What was it like before?, and others), a few simple diagnostic tests (rising, walking, hand movements, eye movements, and the like) he dropped the "hard" question.  "If we could pick only one thing to 'fix', which would you prefer?  That we work to resolve your physical difficulties, or the mental?"

Easy answer.  The mental / psychological problems (hallucinations, combativeness, argumentativness, confusions, perception and depth difficulties) are those that are taking the greatest toll on us all.

The solution?  (And this is for Dad's case only, for his symptoms only, and not to indicate nor suggest that this is for anyone else!!!!) Stop 2 of his medications immediately (Symmetryl [in the form of Carbex], Elderpryl), switch from Sinemet CR to the non-sustained release version of Sinemet (and in a much smaller total dose), and, if necessary, Zytrex -- a new anti-hallucinogen -- to get rid of the paranoia and the "Them" who seem so threatening at mealtimes.

An acknowledgment that while Dad has the physical symptoms, the entire family has been diagnosed with Parkinson's, and those concerns must also be recognized and addressed left Mom with a much more relaxed feeling than she has had in months.

In short, Dad hasn't had a stroke (which I feared having had Demerol with his Elderpryl back in April.... and a terrible reaction to it at the time, although not fatal), and was overmedicated.

I'll keep my ear to the ground, and let you all know what the next few weeks bring.  We just might have gotten the best Holiday gift of all.... Dad.

Thanks for the info you've all shared.  I was just so excited about how today's appointment went that I had to tell someone!

Diane McHutchison

e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
Englishtown, NJ  USA
Long-distance CG for Dad (69/6+)