

First, I need to get something off my chest. I joined this group with
realistic expectations of contributing. Perhaps i was too verbose,
perhaps too brutally honest in describing what has happened to me.
I wasn't bragging or whining (or didnt  intend to. So many  things I've
asked the group''s opimion. For example exx
periences of those  having palllidotomies, one side or both. My dream of
a cross country spr
speaking tour to raise fuun
funds and awareness. I asked g
oops) for honest opinions and got deafening silence. Yet we all seem
ready tto dip into our own pockets and shuffle around mumbling to
ourselves till we croak!!
I got this god-damned disease before I was thirty. I had everything
great wife and kids, house great job, money, friends. 10 years later,
I am waiting for divorce, I'm virtually bankrupt, living on HELLFARE
(not a typo) After 4 suicide attempts, turning 40 in a psyche ward,
I am struggling every day to prove I don't belong in an institution..
You know  whose to blame. Not PD
Not doctors, or my wife. ME. I'm to blame. Parkinson's is a horrible
diseased, but right from the start i've done everything wrong. THAT's
one of the main things I would  tell people. The other thing I can do
is say, yes I've lost a lot of things, but look what I've found.
With the help of  a wonderful brave and talented womam (with PD) and
her equally generous and kind husband, I've found a place for God within
my life that he has spared many times. I've discovered a joy in writing
poetry (for myself) that others seem to enjoy. My friend and I put
together an exhibit of her art and my writing and is has beem succesful
beyond our wildest dreams. We will sooon be publishing a portfolio of
our work to be followwed by a book. There is nothing we pd'rs cant do!
But my responses from this group so far don't confirm that , with the
exceeption of one wonderful lady in toronto, (Hi Lynda).
I'm sorry, if I've offended anyone, a writer writes in my case till he
drops. I do have some thoughts and questions about my own pallidotomy,
I will share in the  future...