

and I seem to have stumbled upon something very interesting here: this
list. I found you all as I was seeking additional info on this familial
form of PD currently in the news. Would you like to read the _Science_
article on line? Here it is:
My mother had PD and one of her brothers had it but neither one of their
parents had PD. Familial or idiopathic---that is the question. At any
rate, I am 41 years old and do not have any symptoms of the disease at
this point. However, I would like to learn more. For whom is this list
intended? Would it be okay if I listened?
By the way, I am a doctoral student at Pitt and took a neuroscience
elective last year. The professor was a PD researcher. According to her,
fabulous research is happening. Or was she just being overly optimistic?