

H. Wallace Teal from Panama Canal, Panama has written to me saying he was
going to put any extra Udall postcards he has in his xmas cards hoping to
further increase awareness.  I would like to take this1 step further and use
his "postcard in a xmas card" idea like this:
Lets send out holiday greeting cards to those we need to contact in congress
in lieu of sending to our friends and relatives.   The purpose being 2 fold.
1.  Sharing the spirit of the season with our new found friends and
supporters and POTENTIAL supporters in DC.
2.  Alleviating the problem of getting people to write a letter to their
reps. when they may not be sure of who their reps are or what to say or how
to say it.   The card already has a suitable opening message and all they
have to do is add 1 or 2 simple sentences such as:  "I have Parkinson's
disease, please help me."  or  "Please support the Udall bill."
The spirit of the season may encourage way more people to sit down with a pen
than any other time of year.  The cost is whatever would have been spent for
cards and postage anyway and what more deserving organization than
Parkinson's should reap the benefits of such a worthy effort.  It's the
perfect way to realize the wish for Good Health in the New Year.
I will be glad to post the names and addresses of who to send the cards to as
often as necessary.