

      My reference to my respecting" your wish for privacy" was aimed at
those people who would chose not to share their wereabouts with me; not
those who would do so. Those that take the road of self exposure do so at
there own risk and may their god watch out for them because once I know
where they live all sorts of trouble will darken their door.[evil grin in
place of [}:] or is it ><[]: ? you know jack the symbols for a grin.I
haven't learned to do that high powered stuff .
    Dispite what i believe to be your misunderstanding I'll be happy to
answer your question;"Is there some reason I should trust you more  than
the registry?"   Hell no!! NO!NO!

Well, on second thought I promise not to tell anyone that you live in Rhode
Island.^ ^

* .


(     o      )

That is a man or woman { Don't matter to me} winking who has the mumps

    Best wishes to you Jack
         george [[log in to unmask]]
   Proud to be from the Great COMMONWEALTH of MASSACHUSETTS

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