

 how can i expect or ask anyone to change how they "deal" with a
>disease and with their fear when i personally know that i have acted in
>ways that were very difficult on those around me when i was in pain --
>emotional or physical?
>any input is always appreciated...
>[log in to unmask]
Hi Debbie,

I have been doing a lot of reading on geriatrics and sometimes patients
have a series of small strokes, which don't show up for awhile.  It causes
personality changes and depression.  Maybe your Mother has more than
just PD.   Sometimes you have to force people, whom you love the most,
 to do things they don't want to do.
 If you'd have your "druthers", you wouldn't want to put them through
it either, but it sounds as if these tests are imperative.

Best of Luck to you.

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian
(with PD)

P.S. George, I live in WINDY Florida!!!!!
I just THOUGHT Kansas had wind.
They closed A-1A ( on the Beach) because the sand dunes
on the street have made driving impossible.