

I had a unilaterial (left side) Pallidotomy in Toronto with Dr. Lozano in May
this year.

My pre op symptoms were   (in order of importance)
   Toe and Foot CRAMPING  both sides  at least three times a day lasting one
   Stiffness     full body  unable to turn or get out of bed myself  same
from a chair
   Trouble walking with occassional freezing

My immediate  relief came on the op table.....after 12 hours with any meds my
feet were in a cramp.....with the turn of the switch on the equipment in my
surgeons hand the cramping subsided....not to return even once   even on the
opposite side

My stiffness has lessened to a very great degree
My walking and freezing are still problems   but who am I to complain  since
the              cramping