

Information re: Hearty Balance food products (This is NOT a commercial :-)
but as response to an inquiry)) is available through this free number:
              1-800-4PD FOOD

 They have a variety of products, and Peter is now using the liquid
drink (a substitute for Ensure-type drinks) and the granola-type snack
bars. They are "balanced" with 1 part protein to 7 of carbohydrates,
and seem to be endorsed by the Amer. PD Assn.according to literature.
They will send generous free samples to support groups to try at a meeting, and
a group can receive creditfor orders from members, I think it's 5 or 10% of
a month's orders,in cash to use for group expenses.
Hope this is helpful. I've replied to the list, as this may be of interest
to others.
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter 78/7 Ohio