

Hallo Jeremy,
Glad to have been of help!  BTW was it you who posted the message about the
good old days of the British Empire, when the map was pink, etc etc? (I'm
afraid I deleted a flood of messages - but that one stuck in my mind!)
Since our transatlantic cousins seem to be into fascinating discussions
regarding commonwealths, fishing and long beards, I feel free to raise the
question: which of HM's colonies did you serve in?  (pure curiosity - I
spent much of my childhood in pre-independence West Africa - Gold Coast (now
Ghana) and Nigeria - my late father worked there for many years in P and T
Dept;  I have many happy reminiscences from that period; and much of your
message - unfortunately deleted from my computer - rang retrospective bells
in my memory!)  Do you remember curry lunches? the Club? the "thunderbox"?
etc etc?

Note to Barb Mallut et cetera - <grin, duck and run! - and how's your Latin?>
        per ardua ad astra  -  translate, parse and scan!

        Best wishes,  Margaret Hayon  -  expatriate Brit!

At 08:50 PM 15/11/96 GMT, you wrote:
>Hi Margaret Hayon
>Many thanks for this - it scans pretty well :-)
>> >> 'Praestat cautela quam medela'.
>> >My Latin went into disuse after my O-levels (some 40+ years ago) - what
>> >does this mean, please?
>> >
>> >--
>> >Jeremy Browne, Hampshire, UK
>> >[log in to unmask]
>> >Shaking Hands BBS, Fidonet 2:252/160 (+44 1252 626233, also FAX)
>> >
>> With the aid of my old school Latin dictionary I translated this as:
>>  "Precaution is better than a cure."   Hope it's correct!
>>   Margaret Hayon - expatriate Brit living in Israel.
>Jeremy Browne, Hampshire, UK
>[log in to unmask]
>Shaking Hands BBS, Fidonet 2:252/160 (+44 1252 626233, also FAX)