

 "Barbara Mallut" writes:
> Yup, Jeremy.. a "Bronx Cheer," is indeed a "raspberry!"  However, there's a
> certain cockiness, coupled with that unique New York "whazzit to ya" attitude
> that makes the Bronx Cheer somehow more "in yer face" than a simple
> "raspberry."
> Uhhhhh... make sense? <grin>

Oh yes indeed. There's a nice phrase I use which serves the same sort of
"Up your flue with a wire brush!" - preferably (I'm not quite sure why)
enunciated in a strong Glaswegian accent (Scots from Glasgow for those
who don't know!)

Being entirely meanless in itself, you can imbue it with a wonderful
variety of scorn, sarcasm, deprecation - whatever :-)

Jeremy Browne, Hampshire, UK
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Shaking Hands BBS, Fidonet 2:252/160 (+44 1252 626233, also FAX)