

Hi everyone!

Mary Sheehan started this so here goes my shot at a funny story for all of us
poker faced parkies.

Top 10 reasons computers must be male:

10  They have a lot of data but are still clueless
 9  A better model is always just around the corner
 8  They look nice and shiny until you bring them home
 7  It is always necessary to have a backup
 6  They'll do whatever you want if you push the right buttons
 5  The best part is the games you can play with them
 4  In order to get their attention,you have to turn them on
 3  The lights are on but nobody's home
 2  Big power surges knock them out for the night
 1  Size does matter

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They even give you instructions to unsubscribe.

Just a warning that some of the jokes might be considered offensive but
I haven't noticed it to be all that bad.

Bill Rogers