

Dear Lyz,

Who are we ? the youngsters have theyre problems. Who are we to judge the
older people?

You made so very clear in just a few words, but with so much power !!
You made me smile and laugh at one time. But most of all you made me cry.

We, youngsters forget so easily that older people have other problems : bad
treatment just because you're old, often not diagnosed because you're old,
other disease because you're old and just because you're old.

I want to say this:

young onset, middle onset or old onset :

we have Parkinsons Disease

I never met someone who likes it, so let's work together and fight together.
Help eachother and give love and tips and whatever.

We all have one goal : We want to live as normal as can be.

I'm very glad you showed us your problems

I give you a big hug for that,

Kees Paap