

Subject: Tears

Hello Carol,  you have raised a question to which which I have no answer, but
it has prompted me to speculate a little:  I used to think that the low
emotional threshold which I experienced was some side-effect of one or other
of the drugs which we take, but now I'm not so sure. Talking to other PWPs,
I have found enough evidence to suggest that this low emotional threshold may
actually be one of the most common of all the symptoms of PD. I think that
more than just tears are affected; I used to be a very calm sort of person
(the celebrated British stiff upper lip), but now I find that I flare up at
very little provocation, and cool down just as quickly, a well as fighting
back the tears at the slightest sign of an emotional scene on television.  I
was never much of a boxing fan, but I did notice, while watching a fight
recently, that I could barely stay on my chair, and any furniture within
reach of my legs was in grave danger of demolition.

Does anyone know of a reason for this phenomenon ?

Regards,  Brian Collins