

Just a note to share with you all what's been working with our family
members who have allergies/asthma:  These are all natural products, so if
you're not into that, please disregard. First of all, they take colloidal
minerals; also OPC Grapeseed Extract w/herbs, & Vitamin C. (The OPC &
Vitamin C are natural antihistamines).  The combination of all these has
allowed them to get off their inhalers and avoid side effects of medicines
they once were on.  My sister has found relief at last and my little nephews
are really thriving now.  We're just all thrilled with the results, so I
thought I'd share this with you all.  If you're interested in any of these,
I am an independent distributor for a company who handles them.  If you want
further info, feel free to contact me.  I'm not trying to play the part of
"pushy saleswoman".  If you'd like to find these on your own, feel free to
explore the market.  I can give you ingredients which will help you do so,
if you'd like.  Incidentally, you may want to ask your doctor about this;
these folks did, but were told there was no alternative but prescription
drugs and inhalers, but decided to give it a try anyway, as they were aware
of the side effects from long-term usage of these things.

Also, since it's the season for colds and bronchitis in many parts of our
country, just a few helpful hints...garlic can combat bronchitis very
quickly.  For colds, as most of you have probably seen doctors and
herbalists in the news lately, zinc losenges are working to cut the length
of colds in about half.  These can be found at health food stores.

Have a great day and I hope you all enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving!


At 12:21 PM 11/21/96 -0500, you wrote:
>>Benedryl   ( dyphendramine hydrochloride)   ointment, oral capsule,
>> an antihistamine  with anticholinergic (drying) and sedative side
>>It is used for allergic conditions, in motion sickness, as  a sedative, and
>>parkinsonism. Can be sold over the counter ( drug store),  BUT should be used
>>considerable caution as there are many possible adverse side effects.
>>>From the PDR
>>[log in to unmask]  (Mary Manfredi)
>Thank you for this information.  My Allergist & also my Pulmonary Doctor will
>not prescribe Benedryl for anyone, ( you can only buy up to a certain MG
>over the counter, from there on you need a prescription). I would have to
>have at LEAST 150 MG to knock what I have now.
>They both claim it is notoriously known to cause Depression---something
>a PD patient doesn't need.
>Thanks to all who posted about Asthma & Allergies.   I was born with
>allergies, my Mother got hay fever for the first time in August & I was
>born that October. I never had a chance!!! I use inhaled Steriods
>for my lungs &  another inhaler for my nose & use Provental in my Nebulizer.
>If my Asthma gets bad enough & the Pulmonary Doctor has to give me
>an Asthma treatment, I have seizures,  the good old jacksonian kind!
>It scared my Allergist so badly he sent me to the Pulmonary Doctor.
>It was several years before my Asthma got so bad I needed help &
>then I got to scare the Pulmonary Doctor also!!!! Come to think of it,
>it really doesn't do much for me either!!
>Since I never had this problem(seizures) until after diagnosis with PD I
>don't know, but I'm inclined to believe it must be the PD, which
>makes it worse.
>Also, like Barb, Tegretol almost killed me.  I was on a slowly increased
>dosage for 2 weeks.  Before I was on a full dose, I broke out in a rash
> & my skin all peeled off ,& I retained my
>urine for 16 hours, couldn't walk at all, or get out of bed for 3 days.
>1-50 mg. of Mysolin (?) put me in the hospital for 3 days.  I had a new
>Neurologist then (my second) & when he came to the hospital he
>said "I can't believe this----this is a childs dosage"
>"Thank God,"  I said," Or my DH would be planning a funeral"!!!!
>Now if anyone mentions "Trycyclic" to me I head for the door
>The moral of this story is---even a childs dosage can kill you if you
>are allergic to it.  PLEASE  take a fools advice & be very careful
>when starting a new medication!!!!!
>I'm going to look Rondec-TR up in the PDR & discuss it with my
>Pulmonary Doctor--for now I'm on Cortisone & will get cleared up
>just in time for the Christmas tree to be put up at the library.
>Only this time there will be 16 of us sneezing & coughing.
>Since its such a low percentage of us that are allergic to the
>Christmas tree, we get to suffer.
>I'm thinking of practicing Black Magic with a doll & pins!!!!!
>See there---I have a Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde personality too!!!!
>As Ever,
>Marjorie Moorefield
>just another librarian (with PD)