

Elik - my mother's neurologist started her on olanzapine yesterday, and mentioned that he has "several" other PD patients on it, too.  Given that the drug has been available for only a month or so, our parents are certainly pioneers, if not guinea pigs -- it is a bit unnerving, isn't it?

What kind of person is this doctor who has been treating your family so inhumanely?  What is HIP - an HMO?  If it is, then it should have an ombudsman who resolves problems such as the one you describe.  In any organization, there is a way to go to the top with complaints, and this certainly sounds like an appropriate time to go to the trouble of doing so . . .  although the effort is immense -- doubly unfair!

Also, what kind of doctor is he?  Does he specialize in parkinsons?  Mom sees a psychiatrist, too, and you would think that he would have prescribed this for her, but he was dragging his feet and I finally asked the neuro.

Here's hoping that the olanzapine works, and good luck to you and your parents.

Mary Rack
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