

> Dear George
> Thanks, for the encourgement.  To answer your question about my  comment (re: "not much experience with PD") I was just trying to get
  across that my comments were not from a medical point of view but from
  the heart (some of the people who've worked for me don't believe I
  have one <grin>) and personal experience.  That's what happens when an
  engineer tries to write with expression.
> Your question about year long warm weather and it's effects on PD,
> brought up an interesting point.  Earlier this year I deployed to the
> western pacific and was subjected to a variety of different climates,
> (Japan, Korea, & Australia in the winter, Guam & Fiji were it's never
> winter).  While in the colder climates it took more Sinemet to     function at the same level, I attributed this to increased metabolism
to warm the body (since Ldopa is burned by the body as a suger) and
not due to the change in light intensity as expressed by others
earlier.  My reasoning for this is while underway, sometimes for as
long as 80 days, lighting on submarines is soly provided by
fluorescent lights and light levels are approx 1/3 of sun light and
the spectrum is poorly duplicated, I do not have any problems when I
get proper rest and stress levels are normal.  Any comments on this
from anyone?
> Simon, for your survey, I'm interested if any idopathic PWP have a     high exposure to radiation, where from naturally occuring souces or
 work related.  I have a life time work exposure of 2.5 REM.
> Related to this does anyone know of any studies relating per capita PD
> rates with regions of the world?
> Lastly George just because you asked (kind of), the weather out here    is turning rather cool at night, (low 70's), almost had to turn off
  the AC the other night.
> Aloha
> Pat Reilly
> Honolulu, HI