

Greetings, Joyce and all:

Wasn't there a well-known medico who prescribed humor as an important
supplement to medicine a few years back? Dr. Norman Cousins?

It doesn't surprise - or annoy me - that there are some people who might
eventually feel that "enough is enough" when it comes to humor on the
listserv. (I think Joyce has her tongue firmly planted in cheek.)

We might not all want to read these jokes. Fair enough. But rather than
discourage those who merely wish to brighten somebody's day - and let's
remember that re-telling a joke allows people to enjoy the joke at least
twice - could any web curmudgeons please just delete jokes and make a
solemn promise not to read them before they are deleted?

I notice that many people on the web are helpful in clearly marking joke
messages in the Subject line. That's considerate and very useful. Even if
we deleted all humor (and discouraged any and all incoming jokes) and were
left with only "legitimate" supportive message and ideas about diagnosis
and treatment - well _still_ none of us could possibly read all of the
E-mail that comes in from from these listservs. I hope our lives never
become so "important" that we reserve special feelings of anger for those
"clog" our mail accounts by sending smiles across the Internet to PWPs and
caregivers alike.

Here's an item from the web about nursing and jocularity.
I wish us all health and happiness over the upcopming holiday season.

On Thu, 21 Nov 1996, Joyce Saylor wrote:

> I suggest that if you want to post humorous messages you post them to a list
> that deals in humor.  PD is a serious disease.  Perhaps if enough of you
> want your daily dose of humor you could form your own list.  Call it PDHumor
> or something.
> Besides, my sides are aching from laughing so hard.
> Before everybody gets mad and wants to throw me off the list (and to prevent
> my mailbox from filling up with mail from 1400 angry readers--
> THAT WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA! Thanks to all of you who have posted daily humor
> (okay, you Brits, humoUr).  Bill, I loved it! And David, please give Anita
> Life my best regards and say hello to Jethro for me.
> It is my father who has Parkinsons as a house guest (thanks Stan, your
> article was great).  He greatly enjoys the fun stuff I pass on to him, and
> the whole family has learned from the serious stuff.
> Thanks, Barb.

David Robert Austen
Masters Degree Program in Information Science
Indiana University, Bloomington
Indiana 47405 U.S.A.
Telephone 812 335 8835  Fax 812 335 8598