

                              An Old Tale Revived

Jethro and little Stan were fishing.A thin mist was rising from the
uncreased surface of the lake.The aspens were just beginning to turn.The
silence was interrupted by a noisy flight of ducks.Jethro turned to Stan;
"Time for the old fix"He sloppily emptied an indeterminate number of Sinemet
tablets into his large hand and washed them down with a swig of Nob
Creek.Then he took a bite out of a cold Big Mac.He offered Stan the little
tablet bottle." Help yourself Stan-Have some  simers- they make you jump,
make you jive, wake you up" Stan shook his head and then continued to steer
sadly at his own reflection in the surface of the lake.

Earlier in the day Jethro had as usual been on one of his favourite topic -
Jethro God's gift to women, Jethro the Great Lover,who with, how many times,
how long.Even the fish had gottten bored and refused to bite.

"Hey Man what's up" said Jethro.

There was a long silence before Stan replied.He was a shy guy with a slight
stutter."Sharon's getting mad with me as since I had Parkinsons I'm no good
in the sack"

Jethrow laughed so loudly that he scared off a little red squirel which was
hovering on a nearby pine tree to snatch up the remnants of their snacks.

"That's no great deal - dead easy to fix - I had the same problem with
Marianne until I had my operation"

"What a brain op? Stan looked even more worried.

"Naw- none of those thalies, palies what's there name shit- I had a transplant"

" What- one of those foetal transplants? "

"Heck No -I'm not letting any fancy surgeon mess around in my skull.I had
the real thing-where it matters."

"Don't get you" said Stan.

"Shit - what's the matter with you today Stan. Do I have to spell it out  -
I had a dick transplant by that new uro in town . Remind me to give you his
number - give him a call.Four weeks after the op Marianne won't know what's
hit her and in a month you will be scoring with all the sexiest dames in
town.Go for it Man"

"Jesus"said Stan but he looked a little happier.

A few months later they were fishing again.Stan seemed very dejected.

"Did you have that transplant?" asked Jethro

"Sure I did and it ain't made any difference- cost me an arm and a leg"

"Let's have a look" said Jethro -" pull your pants down "

Stan shivered in the cool wind that was coming off the lake and his  bare
flesh went
goose pimply as Jethro stared in disbelief.The  squirel who was still
hunting for nuts perched transfixed on a branch his bushy tail moving up and
down in excitement.

"  Holy Cow" said Jethro."They've given you my old one" Taking a large swig
of his favourite bourbon he lit another cigarette and handed the bottle to