

>Any special requests for food next week?
No food requests but some thoughts. I don't do well in groups of people
anymore so I may be a little hermit-like at times...can't say for sure. IF
I'm able to time my meds just right, the meal should be uneventful. I may
need help cutting my food and/or "spearing it" (seriously).

If I'm "on" and dyskinetic (squirmy), it's very unconfortable to try and
sit between other people without the urge to flail about from time to time.
No reflection on my dinner companions but a side-effect of Sinemet. This
should aid you in seating me.

If I'm "off", it's a given that any scintillating additions to general
conversation will be minimal on my part. I may drop things or possibly
drool (NEITHER is a given) but please try not to let my mealtime trials and
tribulations trouble you. You could not start to believe what feeding
myself is like a lot of the time in my little abode ... half-comic and the
other-half kinda sad.

I want to enjoy the holidays like most people appear to do but this may not
happen during my visit this time. Don't take any of the blame for this. If
I don't try to keep some social activity and try to participate in any way
I still can, my life will surely become a truly isolated experience with
cable-TV and computers as my steadfast companions.


This is a reprint of a post from last 11/21/95 (coincidence? I don't think
so) titled much like a similiar post that recently appeared. So ignore the
subject heading and substitute your favorite from these titles:

"Thanksgiving with OJ"
"Showdown at the PD-Corral"
"The First Cut Is The Deepest"

Subject: Thanksgiving Thoughts......

Now here's a poem sure to please you
About David's famed dyskinesia
Be forewarned, you weak of heart
If everyone is ready,
The tale will now start

Twas Turkey Day across the land
And David's family was all at hand
Brothers and sisters, the whole famiy
When someone said
"Who'll carve the turkey?"

With Dad deceased for many years
And  David's medicine working
He thought he'd volunteer
His neurons were in high gear
When suddenly his arm started jerking

I'll spare you the details
The blood and the gore
David's rush of endorphins
Has now made him an orphan
And no one asks him to carve anymore.