

I agree with Martha Rohrer that keeping busy makes PWPs(and others) feel
better. Peter has noticed this as well, and I note that on days when
there's something scheduled, he manages to meet the challenge 9 times
out of 10.   This may be the same process that makes us put our"best foot
forward" at the doctor's, and as has been shown can lead to the doc not
really seeing us at our worst and misjudging our condition. Being mentally
occupied can be a great stimulant too, and a "therapy" not to be overlooked
for those who can take advantage of it. For Peter, though, there are times
when the frustration of not being able to handle the task undertaken in a
way that satisfies him is very depressing.  Another example, maybe, of how we
have to "fine tune" expectations and activities as well as meds?
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter 78/7,Ohio