

>Seriously, I think digging for facts is very therapeutic. I have found that
>when I become absorbed in tracking down information, my aches and pains
>become muted, and the minor ones are forgotten temporarily. Its not so easy
>to feel depressed while wrestling with a balky search engine. More important
>to me is that my husband forgets for a short time that he hurts and his
>dyskinesia seems to diminish a bit when he is motivated to look for an
>answer to a question, no matter how trivial.
>Martha (From Central California)


Martha, my dear:

You have indicated a benefit from the looking up of "who did what when?"
that I had not considered. However, I do not wish to look on daily as
off-topics are bantered about with supposedly clever replies <clucking and
gagging> and do not believe this list was set up to help keep our minds off
of PD by distracting one another with historical or geographical word
games. Jokes fall into the same category. If I wanted a new batch of jokes
every day, I would join a list-serv or newsgroup that dealt specifically in
humor. PD-humor? That's a "whole different ball of wax" since finding a way
to laugh at this monster is very empowering.

I bet (sorry, Bill H.) if you get the e-mail addresses of the 8-10 other
people who think that  "word searches" and "Have you heard this one?" are a
great idea (and post similar posts each and every day), you can write to
each other directly and not draw 1400+ people into a private discussion. If
you want to chat about other things with PDers, contact Marvin Giles and
have him explain the PD-chat line.

I would like to see the persistent posters who have something to say about
anything (but often nothing) take a break and let the rest of us hear from
the other people. I'd love to see if any neurologists are lurking or
"people trying holistiuc approaches".

I know everyone has the "right to post what they want" as many times as
they want but the list was set up to discuss PD. I got many letters
regarding my parody, GUARANTEEWD OFFENSIVE,that backed up my views that
this was getting out of hand. I only wish that some of the people who wrote
supporting me aned others who feel this way would write to these persistent
posters and express your feelings regarding having to wade through their
posts to get to PD-related matters.