

Am I depressed?
Today, no. Tomorrow, I'll find out. Yesterday,  it's gone.
You must understand that I've been through something similar
and made it through fairly well. Of course, I'm depending on a ten
year olds memories analyzed by an adult over the past 35 years.
The first year or two were the worst and is proving to be so again.
It starts with "Not me!". You  learn, of course, that you're wrong.
Life has just handed you a bucket of sour grapes and you don't know
how to make wine, yet.  Next comes "Why me?".  This is one of those
"God's will" or "Make a wild guess" questions.  This time around
I'm accepting, "There was this cosmic ray, ya see, and it hit this gene,
"Fix me!", is next and some people never make it beyond this point.
I learned that the trick is, don't wait for someone else to fix it.
Put a band-aide on it and keep going. If you're lucky someone will find
a permanent patch.  "Accept me", is the last and the longest.  A good number
of people opt out here either because they cannot or will not accept what
they are.
Make no mistake, this last part becomes a work in progress. It is a constant
tinker, adjust, fiddle with, nudge that until someone says "well done!"
Where am I? Well, the patch is on and I think I've made a fair start toward that
"atta boy". How 'bout you?