

Among other things, David Boots today said:
. I only wish that some of the people who wrote
>supporting me aned others who feel this way would write to these persistent
>posters and express your feelings regarding having to wade through their
>posts to get to PD-related matters.
David Boots,
As I remember, one of your former posts you told all the ladies in quite
graphic detail, what happens in the mens rest room, at the mens urinal.
This was posted to all 1,400 of us.  Personally I thought you had overstepped
the bounds of propriety at that time.
I didn't say anything then ,as I felt that if that was the most important
thing that had happened to you all day & you felt compelled to discuss
it with 1,400 other persons, then you certainly had that right.

However, when you start acting like a sanctimonious hypocrite, as you
did with your post today, it really irritates me!!!
The next time I see "David Boots" I shall certainly use my option to
delete without reading.  I suggest you & your "Silent Majority"
do the same with mine!

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian (with PD)