

     We've also noticed that keeping occupied helps both of us out - both my
husband, the Parkinsonian, and me, the non-Parkinsonian.  The best thing for
both of us is to babysit out grandchildren (ages 4 and 7 months).  You don't
have time to be depressed around young children - before long, we're so busy
we've forgotten all of our troubles.  That doesn't mean we don't get tired.
 Dick doesn't have the stamina he used to have, and I'm not as young as I
used to be, either.
     Even though we're pretty worn out by the end of some days, it's worth it
in terms of our relationship with our grandchildren, with the added bonus of
helping Dick be more mobile and active.  That must be true of the majority of
      I might add that our 4-year-old granddaughter doesn't seem to cut Dick
any slack in terms of what she expects from him.  I don't know whether that's
because on the surface he looks pretty good since his Pallidal Stimulation
surgeries. Prior to the surgeries, she did ask a time or two about his
     Anyway, let's hear it for grandchildren!

                 Margie Swindler   Lawrence, Kansas