

Hi listfriends,

I was  hardly returned to the list, when the worst thing happened that can
be to a computerfreak as I am: system crashed! A new motherboard didn't fit.
Another one ordered : it works. But the software (W95) was confused (so was
I) and didn't accept the  settings. So I learned a lot about (non) settings
and know now how hard it is to back up, because I got 500 msges in one week,
so please be patient, when i don't answer right away. Of course are most of
the msges addressed  to the list, but you want your letter to be read, don't

Barbara Jensen asked me to keep you informed about the European Parkie's. I
will try to do so, as far as it is of my concern and what i read and hear,
so here we go :
I'm heading for Denmark (800 kn) in a few hours to meet three young onset
parkinsonians : Sonia Nielsen, Svend Andersen and Flemming Rasmussen. Three
great people who are involved in the Danish organization. Sonia is
organizing the Danish Walkaton next year and I'm going to share the dutch
experiences with her and Svend. Svend is the chairman of the Danyop's and is
projectleader of the new patients role. I will ask him to send the text to
this list, because the project is very good! The project is built from a
very positive view of life; really very good!
I will start my tour through Denmark by visting Flemming Rasmussen. It will
be our first meeting, but I was told that he is a very good technician and
knows a lot about hard- en software. The subject we will discuss is the
European meeting for young-onset parkie's and specially my part in it : the
presentation of the Parkinson Information Bank International.

And of course we will talk about our disease : exchange experiences, medicin
information and how we back out and how we cope with our new situation. We
talk like friends do and I really feel it that way : they are friends !!!

Copyrights on poetry.
I received a letter from an english publisher that they wanted to use two of
my poems. They also wanted to know if there are copyrights on it.
Has anybody experiences with copyrights? Should I have copyrights? What
rights do  have?

Enough for this moment. I will keep you informed.

Greetings from a cold (temperature) and warm (feelings)  Holland,

Kees Paap