

>Samantha - I thought of another test for Parkinson's tremor vs. familial
>tremor or other types:  Does Joe's tremor resemble a pill-rolling motion?
I can tell when Joel's fallen asleep because the tremor stops, so, yes, it's
a resting tremor. However, I looked at his hand while we were talking, and
his fingers made more of an open-closing motion vs. a rolling motion. (I
might add, he can't believe all the wonderful advice I'm getting from all of
you. He's always thought everybody in modem land was a nut case.)Joel says
that his fingers do sometimes make that pill-rolling motion, but I've never
seen it.

I don't know, maybe I'm grasping at straws. I guess I'm not alone in wanting
the reason for his tremor to be something curable. Then again, there are
worse things to have. Oh, and just one more little thing (well, not all THAT
little) there ain't nuttin' wrong with his libido.

Thanks again for your experienced advice and precious time.

* With a smile in her byte, *
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