

Samantha--now I'm confused--you say his tremor is a "resting" tremor
because it_stops_when he's asleep...I always thought the term "resting"
meant the tremor is present_only_when the person is still, and not there
when the hand, etc. is in motion. Did I misunderstand you?  Also, what
we have read/heard is that PD is only diagnosed clinically (i.e. by tests of
gait,cogwheel effect in elbows,mask-like face, etc), and that the tests
such as MRI, PET etc. only rule out other possible causes in the  brain.
There is, of course, no blood test for PD yet. I'm puzzled what the neuro
thought was "THE TEST" done in Atlanta.... yes, get another opinion for sure!
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter,78/7 Ohio