

Cinderella was a parkie and sinemet was her shoe,
in a coach drawn by eldepryl into the night she flew.
Her care giver said in two hour's time you must be back at home
then waved her gently on her way the silky night to roam.
The ball was grand, the company sweet, she moved with grace and ease.
The scent of flowers and new cut grass filled the gentle breeze.
Down the hall a tall old clock spoke softly to itself,
of days gone by, of time near done, and moments still to come.
The grand old clock cared not for balls, or nights sweet and fair,
but only for the moving time that passed from here to there.
One! Rang the clock with shimmering tone then ticked on with content.
Outside the hall she heard the call and knew her time half spent.
As the clock called Two Cinderella stood and from the ball withdrew.
With awkward tread away she fled, so much for that old shoe.
On Eldepryl toward home she raced with Tremor in pursuit,
does she arrive or is she caught? The answer is up to you.