

I thought I should contribute to the healing process with this bit of wisdom.

Recent Commentary on Computers, the Internet (from C&EN)

Among recent examinations of computers and the Internet is "Dave Barry in
Cyberspace"  (New York: Crown Publishers, 1996. Excerpts:
        "There are certain basic computer terms that you need to know to try to
familiarize yourself with:
        "Hardware: This is the part of the computer that stops working when you
spill beer on it.
        "Software: These are the programs that put you on the hard drive by sticking
them through he little slot. The function of the software is to give
instructions to the CPU, which is a set of three initials inside the computer
that rapidly processes billions of tiny facts, called bytes, and within a
fraction of a second sends you an error message.
        "Megahertz: This is really, big hertz.
        "A common criticism of the Internet is that it is dominated by the crude,
the uninformed, the immature, the smug, the untalented, the repetitious, the
pathetic, the hostile, the deluded, the self-righteous, and the shrill. This
criticism overlooks the fact that the Internet also  offers - for the savvy
individual who knows where to look - the tasteless and the borderline