

> Joel isn't unbalanced before or after sleeping. This is why this is so
> confusing. All he has is a lousy tremor, and he's being bombarded with all
> these chemicals going to his brain. I'm going to take your advice and start
> nagging him to go to Atlanta. If he goes, I'll give you a detailed
> description of what was involved. Thanks again for the help.

Does Joel suffer from stiffness?  How is his hand-writing?

We believe that my husband (who also has a long-standing hx of
hypertension) developed PD secondary to his HTN meds.  He has atypical PD,
has never fallen, but does have stiffnes and responds to Sinemet
(which he only takes at night).  He also hallucinates when he takes
Sinemet with his Lopressor - but only then.

Seems the question you both have to ask is what happens when Joel is off
the Sinemet?  If the answer is 'nothing' he might actually do better with
a beta-blocker for both his tremor and his HTN.  Of course, his doctor is
the one who should evaluate all possibilities.
Mary Ann