

The following is an excerpt from the Parkinson's Action Network October Action
 Reporter - an Advocacy Report for the Parkinson's Community
We Need Your Support!
by Joan Samuelson, President
The Parkinson's Community has long been invisible.  Just this year we have
watched as one of the world's most visible people, Pope John Paul II, has
struggled with public acknowledgment of his Parkinson's disease.
Despite this, 1996 has been a breakthrough year for our community's fight for
visibility.  The Udall bill passed the Senate and earned widespread support
in the House.  With hard work and a powerful message, our community has made
its voice heard in Washington and built momentum for bigger breakthroughs
next year.
The Network's leadership role in this effort has put great strain on our
limited resources.  Please do what you can now to support us with a donation.
 We have demonstrated out commitment to turning a small investment into a
large return.  You can help us reach our goal for a cure by contributing to
our advocacy  work--both with your financial support and your grassroots
This was a breakthrough year, and with your help we'll go even further in
1997.  Please give generously!  Thank you!
Parkinson's Action  Network
818 College Ave., Suite C
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
phone  707-544-1994
fax  707-544-2363
email:  [log in to unmask]

Washington, DC office
601  13th St. NW., Suite 310
Washington, DC 20005
phone    202-628-2079
fax    202-628-2077

Brad Udall, Chair
Joan I. Samuelson, President
John L. Dodge, Treasurer
Bonnie K. Mioduchoski, Administrator
Michael Claeys, Community Coordinator
The Action Reporter is a free publication of the Parkinson's Action Network,
a  non-profit charitable foundation for a cure for Parkinson's.  Use of this
material in other publications is welcomed.  We ask that the Network be
identified as the source of the material, and notified how,  when and where
the material is used.  Simply call 800-850-4726