

>Does Joel suffer from stiffness?  How is his hand-writing?
Yes, sometimes, but don't we all? His handwriting hasn't changed at all, and
he still sketches insulting pictures of me for my bulletin board at work. He
studied fine art, and can draw well, when he's in the mood. He sat on the
floor this past weekend and put together a file cabinet, so his back is
screaming. He mows our large lawn and complains of fatigue. None of this
sounds abnormal to me, especially for a man who's 52 and spends the majority
of his day in front of the TV. (He's no longer employed.)

>We believe that my husband (who also has a long-standing hx of
>hypertension) developed PD secondary to his HTN meds.
The doctor's never mentioned that PD can be caused by hypertension
medication! Can it be reversed with a change in medication?

>He has atypical PD, has never fallen, but does have stiffnes and responds
to >Sinemet (which he only takes at night).  He also hallucinates when he takes
>Sinemet with his Lopressor - but only then.
Sinemet is the only medication he takes for the PD? Is it only for his

>Seems the question you both have to ask is what happens when Joel is off
>the Sinemet?  If the answer is 'nothing' he might actually do better with
>a beta-blocker for both his tremor and his HTN.  Of course, his doctor is
>the one who should evaluate all possibilities.
We're both considered his going off all the drugs for PD and seeing what
happens. What I'm afraid of is that any good the drugs have done will never
be regained should he return to them. I'm not sure what these drugs do
anyway. By getting the dopa into his brain again, does it retard the
progression of the disease, or is it just supposed to eliminate the symptoms?

He's tried every medication out there for the high blood pressure, and it's
under control for the moment. We've asked for alternative medications from
the doctor for the PD, and all she does is change the dosage and times. Of
course, there's nothing in it for her should his problems turn out to be
caused by something other than PD. Maybe we're expecting too much?

* With a smile in her byte, *
*     [log in to unmask]     *