

>Benedryl   ( dyphendramine hydrochloride)   ointment, oral capsule,
> an antihistamine  with anticholinergic (drying) and sedative side
>It is used for allergic conditions, in motion sickness, as  a sedative, and
>parkinsonism. Can be sold over the counter ( drug store),  BUT should be used
>considerable caution as there are many possible adverse side effects.
>>From the PDR
>[log in to unmask]  (Mary Manfredi)


Thank you for this information.  My Allergist & also my Pulmonary Doctor will
not prescribe Benedryl for anyone, ( you can only buy up to a certain MG
over the counter, from there on you need a prescription). I would have to
have at LEAST 150 MG to knock what I have now.
They both claim it is notoriously known to cause Depression---something
a PD patient doesn't need.

Thanks to all who posted about Asthma & Allergies.   I was born with
allergies, my Mother got hay fever for the first time in August & I was
born that October. I never had a chance!!! I use inhaled Steriods
for my lungs &  another inhaler for my nose & use Provental in my Nebulizer.
If my Asthma gets bad enough & the Pulmonary Doctor has to give me
an Asthma treatment, I have seizures,  the good old jacksonian kind!
It scared my Allergist so badly he sent me to the Pulmonary Doctor.
It was several years before my Asthma got so bad I needed help &
then I got to scare the Pulmonary Doctor also!!!! Come to think of it,
it really doesn't do much for me either!!
Since I never had this problem(seizures) until after diagnosis with PD I
don't know, but I'm inclined to believe it must be the PD, which
makes it worse.

Also, like Barb, Tegretol almost killed me.  I was on a slowly increased
dosage for 2 weeks.  Before I was on a full dose, I broke out in a rash
 & my skin all peeled off ,& I retained my
urine for 16 hours, couldn't walk at all, or get out of bed for 3 days.
1-50 mg. of Mysolin (?) put me in the hospital for 3 days.  I had a new
Neurologist then (my second) & when he came to the hospital he
said "I can't believe this----this is a childs dosage"
"Thank God,"  I said," Or my DH would be planning a funeral"!!!!
Now if anyone mentions "Trycyclic" to me I head for the door

The moral of this story is---even a childs dosage can kill you if you
are allergic to it.  PLEASE  take a fools advice & be very careful
when starting a new medication!!!!!

I'm going to look Rondec-TR up in the PDR & discuss it with my
Pulmonary Doctor--for now I'm on Cortisone & will get cleared up
just in time for the Christmas tree to be put up at the library.
Only this time there will be 16 of us sneezing & coughing.
Since its such a low percentage of us that are allergic to the
Christmas tree, we get to suffer.
I'm thinking of practicing Black Magic with a doll & pins!!!!!
See there---I have a Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde personality too!!!!

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian (with PD)