

The Arizona Chapter of the American Parkinson's Disease Association is
pleased to notify Parkinson's patients, caregivers, friends and others
interested in the disease and its cure, of a symposium to be held in Tucson
on December 7.

"AGENDA 97:  Researchers & advocates carry the torch," promises to be a
seminal event for all of us interested in the progress in PD research,
research funding, and grass-roots advocacy.

Along with sharing  new  knowledge of medical breakthroughs, a critical
goal of this symposium is to forge new linkage between researchers,
advocates and those responsible for funding.

Who will be here?  Noted Parkinson's research specialists Drs. Roger
Duvoisin, David Eidelberg, Erwin Montgomery, and Ray Watts.  PAN's
super-advocate Joan Samuelson.  Journalist and advocate Morton Kondracke,
and his wife Millicent.  NINDs Director Zach Hall.

This superb cast will gather in Tucson to discuss new medications, surgical
procedures, and - no surprise here! - hereditary aspects of PD.  The
morning is devoted to the medical agenda, the early afternoon, with
Morton's keynote and Joan's review and preview, to advocacy.  Then Dr. Zach
Hall will present the NINDs perspective, followed by a panel discussion
involving all the presenters.

The formal agenda will close with the reading of a tribute to Muhammad Ali.


Cost of the session, including a chicken dish lunch, is $15 for an
individual, $25 for a couple.  Mail checks to Arizona Chapter of APDA, 1650
Fort Lowell Road #302, Tucson, AZ  85719.  A flier will be mailed to you

For more information concerning the symposium call our APDA office at

For more information concerning lodging, restaurants, and sites to see
while here:  Call the Tucson Convention and Visitors Bureau,