

I've xontributed too much serious stuff
What goes ha-ha thump?
Person laughing his head off!
What do you call a dog with PD? It doesn't matter what you call him, he
probably wont hear you and if he does, he'll probably need your help too
get up and then he'll pee on your leg.

ok so some poetry
My dentist's smiles disappear
when he sees me in his chair
every time his hands come
I start to dance like fRed Astaire

my poker nights don't go as planned
I've become a little slow
by the time I finish dealing a hand
It's time for everyone to go!

my doctor has this file on me
thicker than most books I've read
she asked how is my memory?
I've forgotten what I said

OK one last try!
  ODE to a toad

HAve no pity for poor mr. Toad
scrambled red and green on the road
treadmarked, but eternally proud
no more jokes about warts allowed
his glorious death suited him fine
the first toad to make it to the white line!
Bill Harrington