

Well friends, I just have to get a word in here <G>  It's about time that
we were able to discuss this important area of life without snickers and winks-
as the amazing and beautiful thing it is. I have appreciated all the posts to
that effect, from Henry on, and agree that it is too often "closeted", while
folks wonder, worry, and speculate and are afraid to bring it up...Like one
woman who wrote several days ago, it takes a lot to shock me, old counselor
that I am :-)
I would just like to add that we should remember there are times when the
bounds of human sexuality are stretched, and include many other ways of
expressing loving intimacy besides intercourse. This is true for some folks
who don't even have PD, of course--so lets honor all the ways we can express
our tender feelings with our partners, rejoicing in whatever may be available
to us at a particular life stage, while not overlooking the special joy of
what has come to be called "the sex act"--surely sex can be BOTH"in the head "
and "lower down",(to modify the joke),for most of us at different times and
stages. It would be too bad if any of us--females as well as males--felt
diminished and unworthy because of the limitations we experience. Couples who
are having problems(at any age/stage) may find help from a reputable sex ther-
apist, and learn how to"make the most of what they've got" .
Even a hug from a "qualified hugger" can make your day!
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter 78/7. Ohio