

Sex activity and PD are related, but the exact reltionship is confused.

It is generally thouught that sex drive and performance go down with PD and
getting older.. It makes things more difficult anyway.

Levodopa has different effrcts on different people, and the amount od ldopa
makes a difference. [Sinemet is ldopa + other stuff].   The NURSING 96 DRUG
HANDBOOK lists a nursing consideration of Sinemet therapy "excessive and
inappropriate sexual activity, priapism."  This was seen in AWAKENINGS by
Oliver Sacks. A floor nurse friend who was on the floor with the original
ldopa trials at the NIH says  she was chased about almost constantly by
those on high doses of ldopa.

A former member of our support group who has cut his Sinemet back to 19 per
day (all 25/100's except for 2@50/200 CR's). He is abt 71, had PD for about
20 yrs, is unable to stand alone...  A woman (age 28?) who holds herself out
as a nurse [not sure of formal credentials as to whether RN or LPN] was
helping care for him on a paid basis, providing some respite care for his
caregiver spouse. Nurse is suing for sexual harrassment claiming that when
being helped to stand he grabbed hold of wrong handles and made verbal
advances.... I'm waiting to see how the case comes out.

                SALISBURY, MD 21804-2716
Pres A.P.D.A.  DelMarVa Chapter