

At 09:26  28/11/96 -0500, E. Jack Savely wrote:
>Subject: Re: Jethro on Sex

>At 19:36 11/27/96 -0500, Albert (Joe) Young, Jr. wrote:
>> I would find your 'Jethro on Sex" story more appropriate in a men's club

>        Joe:
>        Another old fashioned member of the male gender who
>        believes locker room humor has no place on this list.

Joe and Jack:

As a member of the "fair sex", I find it quite refreshing to know that there
are still gentlemen like yourselves who have respect for the sensibilities
of others. I know this will not surprise you, Jack. I'm still my mother's
daughter. :)

At this time I would like to come to David Boots' defence. He was criticized
recently on the list for some "bathroom" humour he wrote. In my opinion, his
stories have never been inappropriate or offensive, nor have they ever
contained vulgar language. His humorous writings are clever, and his serious
posts are thought provoking and sensitive. He is a real asset to this list.

Just an old fashioned gal,
