

Good morning - Good afternoon - Good evening

My name is Christine - I am 28 years old - diagnosed with Parkinsons almost
one year ago.  Tremors in the right hand (as I think back) most likely
started in high school - balance problems and slow movement followed in
college.  If it were not for a previous boyfriend that often told me I
walked like an old woman and otherwise just didn't move around like a woman
of 27 years...I may not have made a point to mention my symptoms to my doctor.

When I was finally diagnosed with PD and confirmed with a second opinion - I
ran to the library and checked out every book available.  Through my own
studies I have learned alot - but I still have questions that each of the
five neurologists I have seen cannot seem to answer ...

Let me know what you may know:

1) What do you know about PD and pregnancy? (I am not pregnant now...not
even married - but desire both in the future) - Can you continue on meds? -
What about the baby...I still hear that PD is not genetic?

2) How many other 28 year olds do you know with PD?  How are they handling it?

3) Depression - does it come and go for the rest of your life?  Is it more
life situations or more an effect of imbalances in the brain?

Would love to hear from you.

Christine A. Sutter ([log in to unmask])
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA