

Another lover of the "Lord: ...Tennyson, that is.
Find "The Two Voices" and begin with lines
"What drug can make this wretched palsy cease to shake..."
It runs on as a sort of dialogue between a Parkie and a friend..
encouraging words strewn in between...I should cite more accurately,
but the TOME is on a high shelf.
When I was 10 years  or so  into PD (now 13), dystonia/dyskinesia
was getting me down. I'm still on the same PD medications
but somehow not bothered so muxh and so regularly as then.
I exercise a lot, now more than ever. Generally I feel much
better Parkie-wise in warmer weather.(Meds: Sinemet& Eldepryl)
Welcome to the LIST.Someone will have your solution,I;m sure.
[log in to unmask] (Mary Manfredi)