

Here's some info on pramipexoled from a patient who's been taking it for
three years:

Pramipexole is a dopamine agonist similar to parlodel and permax, only
more effective.  It is a D2 receptor drug which works as a "helper" to
sinemet in advanced patients and as a means of postponing sinemet in
recently diagnosed patients.

In my case, I especially noticed an improvement in balance and
handwriting.  I recently increased my dosage from .75 to l mg., and noted
an improvement in my response to sinemet.  It now lasts most of the
night, whereas it used to wear off in two hours. (I take the CR/s 25/100).
I get a better response during the day, too.  The Cr's used to wear off
in less than two hours, whereas now I can get two hours from them if I
don't eat too much.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Pat Schark
