

>Neuro: completes neuro exam. I think you are doing great. No changes in meds.
>See you in 3 months.
>PWP:  what about the drug interactions........we have had 4 in the past year.
> We have been unable to get any answers or help....
>other than oxygen in the ER and one drug with side effects that continued for
>5 days.  Is that my only choice.
>Neuro:  Best recommendation I can make is that you wear a bracelet with an
>emergency phone number on it.
>Question to the listserv group:  What would be your response in this
My response would be to ask the doctor how long it would take to have my
file sent to a doctor who has the time to answer my questions.

>What is wrong with this scene?
That you're still going to that doctor. If you're on an HMO, change your
provider. If you're paying full price, the world is your "erster." Perhaps
you or somebody close to you could attend a support group, and ask someone
to refer you to a competent, compassionate specialist. It wouldn't hurt to
post the name of your doctor, just in case there's somebody in this group
from your area who needs to know who to avoid. By all means, let us know
what  the outcome is!

* With a smile in her byte, *
*     [log in to unmask]     *