

Hi!  My name is Donna and the reason I am a subscriber to this listserve
is because my father-in-law, who lives in St. Augustine, FL, was
recently diagnosed with Parkinsons.  He has been suffering from a stiff
neck and dizzyness for almost a year.  It took several doctor's visits
for him to finally receive the diagnosis.

At this time he is taking Sinemet and Seleziline.  He does not tolerate
the Sinemet very well.

Suspiciously enough, my mother-in-law, was also diagnosed with
Parkinsons just a few months after Dad was diagnosed.  Perhaps it's just
my cynical nature but I think that's really a coincidence.

I have benefited greatly from eavesdropping on your discussions and
appreciate the specific information on facilities visited, new
medications, and symptoms.  I download messages and mail them to my
in-laws who at this time are not online but have a computer.

Thanks especially to John Walker for all of the cool Internet sites to
visit.  I have two daughters who are medically fragile.  The oldest, 11,
was born 9 weeks premature and suffers from developmental delays,
asthma, minimal bi-lateral hearing loss, and the list goes on.  My
youngest, 5, was diagnosed in utero with the rare genetic condition,
Tuberous Sclerosis.  She was born with four heart tumors (cardiac
rhabdomyomas) and one brain tumor.  Now the heart tumors have diminished
but she has developed six brain tumors which result in epilepsy that is
controlled by medication and increasing ADHD type symptoms.

Both girls are a delight and we appreciate them so much.  They were both
adopted through Social Services.  We are foster/adopt parents.  Anyway,
the medical sites are like gold to us.

Aside from that, my husband is a systems analyst so he helps with the
computer and we have a dog, Sammy, who is a Bichon Frise.

Thanks for listening.

Donna from Gaithersburg, MD, USA